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MTN's position on Cell C's license control transfer application

MTN's position on Cell C's license control transfer application
19-09-24 / Daniel Nkosi

MTN's position on Cell C's license control transfer application

Johannesburg - The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has afforded MTN South Africa the opportunity to present its views on Cell C's applications for the transfer of control of its licenses. This transfer arises from a proposed transaction in which The PrePaid Company (TPC) aims to increase its shareholding in Cell C to a controlling interest of 53.57%.
This will result in TPC obtaining control over the Cell C licences, which requires ICASA approval. As required in terms of the regulatory framework, ICASA is currently running a public hearing process.  
MTN has requested that the Tribunal consider and test whether the proposed merger conditions adequately address the potentially adverse impacts on competition of the proposed transfer of control of Cell C's licences. These considerations would not necessarily justify refusal of Cell C's application but are relevant to ICASA's decision-making process and any conditions ICASA may impose should it wish to approve Cell C's applications.
Within the context of the transaction, MTN also responded to the submissions of Vodacom and Telkom as they relate to the pooling arrangements concluded between Cell C and MTN. MTN takes the view that as these pooling arrangements have already been approved by ICASA and MTN is fully compliant with the approval conditions, they are irrelevant to the TPC and Cell C transaction.
MTN remains committed to fostering a competitive environment in the ICT sector and believes that a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed transfer of control is essential.
The company will continue its engagement with ICASA and the Competition Tribunal to ensure that the interests of consumers and fair competition are upheld.

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